Adults with multiple complex needs – The government will commit £46 million from the Shared Outcomes Fund to provide improved support to individuals experiencing multiple complex needs, such as homelessness, reoffending and substance misuse. Publishing the Low Pay Commission’s 2020 Remit – Alongside the Budget, the government has published its remit to the Low Pay Commission (LPC) for 2020. Confirming the government’s ambitious target, the remit asks the LPC to make recommendations with the view of reaching a National Living Wage (NLW) of two-thirds of median earnings by 2024, provided economic conditions allow.
But because they’re managed differently, it can be easy for team leaders to lose track of what’s been spent. Leaders can only make smart decisions with good data, and these reports are one such example. Particularly with certain industries struggling, your ability to monitor where company money goes in real time is crucial. And because forecasts can (and usually do) change quickly, your ability to control and report on budgets is critical.
1 Debt management objective
The Report covers “major” rules and regulations (regulators themselves decide what counts as major, and it’s complicated) rather than the entire universe of them. The caveat that the analysis “include[s] only the benefits and costs for the minority of rules for which both those categories of impacts were estimated” is there. Fingal recommends having a plan for where every dollar in your budget goes, often urging clients to make spending plans for upcoming paydays. She also recommends setting aside cash envelopes for certain spending and savings categories if clients tend to struggle with overspending. The provides a detailed summary of the revenue income that we expect to receive during the year both from Central Government, local taxpayers and other sources, together with a breakdown of estimated revenue expenditure.
The consultation will also enable the government to ensure it is aware of all the significant tax issues that arise from the reform of LIBOR and other benchmarks. Local authorities will be fully compensated for the loss of income as a result of these business rates measures. Business rates local newspaper office space discount – The £1,500 business rates discount for office space used by local newspapers in England will be extended for an additional five years until 31 March 2025. Tax treatment of the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme – The government will legislate in Finance Bill 2020 to introduce income tax, inheritance tax and capital gains tax exemptions for payments made on or after May 2020 under the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme. British Film Commission – The Budget allocates £4.8 million to expand the work of the British Film Commission to promote the UK as a destination of choice for studio space investment. The British Film Commission will act as a single source of expert advice for investors and developers and provide targeted support at the early stages of viable projects to facilitate increased provision of studio facilities across the UK.
36 Energy and environmental tax
This new guarantee will initially support up to £1 billion of lending on top of current support offered through the British Business Bank. The Chancellor will continue to co-operate closely with his counterparts in the G7 and G20. To improve social, economic and financial returns from its c.£150 billion[footnote 17] of knowledge assets How to Start Your Own Bookkeeping Startup in the public sector, and following publication of a report at Budget 2018,[footnote 18] the government will establish a new unit and fund to develop knowledge assets. The government wants to ensure that the United Kingdom continues to be attractive to investment and remains a dynamic environment to start and grow a business.
Powers to tackle electronic sales suppression (ESS) – The government will introduce new powers to make the possession, manufacture, distribution and promotion of ESS software and hardware an offence. This will enable HMRC to tackle tax evasion undertaken by those businesses that use software and hardware to hide or reduce the value of transactions and the corresponding tax liabilities. New ESS-specific information powers will allow HMRC investigators to identify developers and suppliers in the ESS supply chain and access software developers’ source code.
Policy costings
The IMF have noted that a number of metrics can be used as indicators of the fiscal stance.
- VAT Agricultural Flat Rate Scheme (AFRS) – Following informal consultation with stakeholders in 2019 the government will introduce new entry and exit rules for the AFRS.
- The British Business Bank will operate NSSIF direct investments through a new government company called British Technology Investments Ltd.
- Fintech review and delivery panel – The government has invited Ron Kalifa OBE to lead a major review into the fintech sector.
- The government had to increase borrowing in recent years to support households and businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic and energy crisis.
- Mortgage guarantee scheme – The government will introduce a new mortgage guarantee scheme in April 2021.